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- Christo Wiese sells R1 billion Shoprite shares
Christo Wiese sells R1 billion Shoprite shares
The latest on Sasfin, Shoprite, Calgro M3, Zeda & Renergen
Hey there,
Since our Stock Spotlight episode last week, Pick n Pay’s share price has been down 23%, be sure not to miss the small cap that showed promising results.
Stock Spotlight
Sasfin Holdings Limited
Entered into a Disposal Agreement with African Bank Limited.
The Disposal includes the Capital Equipment Finance Business, Commercial Property Finance Business, and CPF Shares and Claims.
The estimated aggregate consideration for the Disposal is approximately R3.26 billion.
Shoprite Holdings Limited
Titan Fincap Solutions (RF) (Pty) Ltd, of which Christo Wiese is a director, has sold just under R1 billion worth of Shoprite shares.
Calgro M3 Holdings Limited
Revenue +13.5%.
Cash +11.2% to R191.9 million.
EPS +38.3% increased from 57.04 cents to 78.88 cents per share.
22.6 million shares were repurchased by the Company.
Zeda Investments Limited
EPS increased from a loss of 13.5 cents to a gain of 3.6 cents.
Net asset value per share is -2.6%.
A gross special dividend of 10.0 cents per share (R154m) was declared.
Stock Deep Dive
Renergen has been taking massive hits over the last few weeks. So Higgo interviewed CEO Stefano Marani to get to the bottom of what’s going on at the company.
Update on leaks and road ahead.
Current production capacity at Renergen
Social media activity and using paid research
What was ICM & Trillian's involvement?
Clarity on Tamryn & insider selling
Why did Ivanhoe walk away?
Price of Helium and Phase 2 viability
Can Renergen provide shareholders with a roadmap?
Knowledge Nugget
How do prices of goods and services go up and down?
How Do Prices in a Market Go Up or Down?
The value of a product (or stock) is based on supply and demand. Why is the price of an Apple R8 and not R4 or R20? Because R8 is the exact middle point (or equilibrium) where most buyers and sellers are willing to trade. This interaction between supply and demand is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BaI4OTpctonever-ending:

At R4, the buyers far outweigh the sellers (demand > supply). The market now has two options: Either, there is a massive shortage in the apple market, or the price has to go up, meaning more suppliers will enter the market (selling at higher prices) and more buyers will exit the market (buying at higher prices). The opposite is also true:
At R20, the sellers far outweigh the buyers (demand < supply). The market now has two options: Either there is a massive surplus in the apple market, or the price has to come down, meaning more suppliers will exit the market (selling at lower prices) and more buyers will enter the market (buying at lower prices)
Demand > Supply: When more people want to buy a stock than sell it, the price goes up. | Supply > Demand: When more people want to sell a stock than buy it, the price goes down. |
The latest at FinMeUp

We sent an email this week about a refreshing update we’re excited to share with you. If you haven’t read that. click here.
That’s a wrap for today
The markets will rest this weekend, but our hearts won’t. Good luck to the Bokke, and Proteas today in their games against England!
Onwards and upwards
Today’s newsletter was created by Paul Roux and compiled by Jonté Smit
Let us know if we missed something or if there are topics that you would like us to cover in upcoming editions.